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The S-Train Canvas: Getting it out...: Real story of magnitude brought me to tears.

"Crazee: Well if it isn't the S-Train!

Me: Ya know it man. How you been livin'?

Crazee: Been out of the joint for 8 years. Clean livin' with a good woman and a son. What about you?

Me: Been out for over 12 years. Got a wife and three kids. Hanging in there.

Crazee: That's good man. For what its worth, I'm sorry man. Sorry for all the shit back then.

Me: I hear ya. I'm sorry, too. Those were some fucked up times for both of us.

Crazee: (smiles) No doubt. Hey S-Train, what's your real name?

Me: (smiles) Solomon. You?

Crazee: (laughs) Quincy. Always hated that name.

Me: Well Quincy, you take care now. Keep on keepin' on.

Crazee: You do the same Solomon.

(We shake hands)

Me: Here's my card, man. Call me sometime. To talk about things. Maybe we can hang one day.

Crazee: Alright. That's alright. Here's my number (I write it on one of my cards). God bless you. (Walks away)"
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