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Spero News | Report shows majority of people want unions
Even most liberals deny anti-union crime is widespread or that it's even a serious crime at all and anyways the folks doing it are such swell people, we can't expect us to like treat them like criminals, can we? If unions have been decimated in American workplaces, it's must really be their fault-- they must have been asking for it. You know, when you wear such pretty medical care and pension funds, employers are just being normal, red-blooded capitalists when they wipe out unions to get at them.
If you wonder why I get angry when folks say nice things about corporate criminal union busters like Wal-Mart, maybe you should read the new report by American Rights at Work which details the extent and severity of that corporate crime wave, a crime wave where tens of thousands of workers are victimized each year with stolen jobs and crushed lives.
Technorati tags: AntiUnionism
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