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Flagrancy to Reason
eliminating the right to organize:
The report, conducted by the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Center for Urban Economic Development (CUED) and commissioned by American Rights at Work, finds that:
* 30% of employers fire pro-union workers.
* 49% of employers threaten to close a worksite when workers try to form a union.
* 51% of employers coerce workers into opposing unions with bribery or favoritism.
* 82% of employers hire unionbusting consultants to fight organizing drives.
* 91% of employers force employees to attend one-on-one anti-union meetings with supervisors.
In 91 percent of the cases surveyed for the report, a majority of workers indicated that they wanted a union before the representation election process began. In several instances workers demonstrated more than 80 percent support for a union. However, after workers were exposed to employer unionbusting activity, only 31 percent of these campaigns resulted in union-represented workers.
I would note that legal reform isn't going to make the executive enforce the existing laws, let alone new ones.
Technorati tags: RightToOrganize
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