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karmalised: WalMart is Not Progressive - Neither are Democrats
freeman's written an especially good response to Karen DeCoster's objections to his criticisms of WalMart. I happened upon yet another WalMart related post via Mises' blog. It's an endorsement of Progressive Wal-Mart. Really. by Sebastian Mallaby [ 28 November 2005 Washington Post ]
Mallaby begins by asserting that WalMart is good for poor Americans because it provides cheaper goods. Kevin Carson revisits sweatshop apologists here.
I want to add that Cafe Hayek's introduction, "But then, having teed up the ball, Mallaby proceeds to drive it out of sight," to Mallaby's statements equating the Medicaid system to national healthcare (which follow), is idiotic. It's difficult to fathom a person of Mallaby's calibre (he worked 13 years for The Economist of London) would make the analogy unless he intended to pander to morons, although the possibility does exist that Mallaby is one himself.
Technorati tags: WalMart
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